Austin Area Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc. | |
Rescue - BirdDO NOT rescue wildlife and then keep (kidnap) the bird or animal for a possible pet. State and federal laws protect nearly all wild mammals and birds. It is against the law to possess a wild animal or bird or the nests, feathers, or eggs of a bird without special permits. In addition, dietary needs of each species of bird and animal are different and it is almost impossible to duplicate their needs in captivity without special training. AAWR receives many irreparably damaged birds and animals because the rescuers tried to keep them as pets and did not know how to provide for them properly.
Tiny Naked Baby Bird If you can find the nest, put the baby back in. If you cannot reach the nest, or if the nest has been destroyed, you can place the baby in a hanging basket near the nest site and watch to see if the parents tend to the baby. Birds have a poorly developed sense of smell. They won't notice that you have handled it. If this is not possible, or if the parents don't return, keep the baby warm and contained, and email us at Do not try to feed the baby without speaking to a rehabber first.
Fledgling Bird These young, feathered birds spend 7-10 days on the ground learning how to fly while their parents bring them food. If the parents are nearby, and there is no immediate danger, leave the bird alone. Keep cats and dogs inside if possible. If the bird is injured, or if the parents aren't tending to it, keep it warm and contained, and email us at
Precocial Baby Bird Some young birds (killdeer and some ducklings) can take care of themselves as soon as they hatch. Unless they are injured, leave these baby alone.
Adult Bird Carefully pick up the bird with a towel or gloves. Keep it warm, contained, and email us at
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